
Game game go away, little Johny wants to play?

Well, Johnie should have other things to do now!. New law in China says that under 18 year olds just have 3 hours to play per day. Good move! Hopefully, it will be a more "social" world soon, children being liberated from the shackles of their computers :)..well, some people might not appreciate freedom ;). Gaming companies will be forced to enforce this...Good thinking at a national level, never knew people at that level thought too much :P/

This is the "official" report :-

1MC writes "The Chinese govt is requiring game houses to modify MMOG's to restrict under 18 users to 3 hours "productive" gameplay per day. This "anti-addiction" software must be in place within 4 months, with games not compliant by July 15 liable to be shut down in China. Net9, Shanda and NetEase will be moving to comply with the government regulations. Users will have to register with their real names and Chinese identity card numbers to be allowed access to the games."

Hopefully, they will not have any restrictions on blogging, emails...imagine your life without it ?


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